Should you happen to be a constant traveller or just go away more than once a year, annually or ‘multi-trip’ insurance just might be an affordable solution for you.
Throughout the Year
Instead of purchasing a single trip policy every time you leave home, an annual insurance policy will cover you for short trips throughout the entire year. Any last moment trips are instantly covered and you would save yourself any hassle of having to take out a policy each and every time. Getting this kind of insurance will certainly give you great peace of mind during your travels.
The Benefits
The benefits you will have with an annual policy include:
Each holiday you book throughout the year would be covered by an automatic cancellation coverage – which means that if you had to for whatever reason, cancel your trip, you can make a claim and get back all costs of missed flights and accommodation.
You may also be covered for any kind of adventure/extreme sports, but do make certain to completely check your policy and make sure that you’re covered for all activities you may have planned.
Full coverage for any unanticipated or last minute trips you might want or have to take.
Check out lower cost travel insurance for business trips.
You May Also Have Coverage for:
Medical treatment and transportation back to your country of origin should you happen to fall sick or get an injury overseas
Delays and cancellation coverage if your flights are delayed or having to cut your trip short due to sickness or bereavement
Baggage and personal possessions cover, including personal valuable documents, travel money and electronic devices should they get stolen or lost
There are insurance companies that will even offer you security and protection should your airline go bankrupt
Multiple Annual Short Duration Trips Coverage
A reputable travel insurance company can offer travel insurance policies that cover up to 31 days per trip and even offer up to 45, 60 and 90 days cover
Multi-trip policies may cover domestic and regional travel also – not just those holidays overseas
If you’re a regular traveller and take out insurance cover for your family, you can stay covered even if you’re on holiday without your children
Suggestions for Travel insurance
This advice will certainly assist you before you decide to take out a policy or if you need to make a claim:
Make any pre-existing medical conditions you may have known when you take out an annual policy, including any new medical conditions which may have developed during your policy term
Get your policy in advance to obtain the full benefit of cancellation cover, make sure to check for any exclusions
Report any lost or stolen items to local police as soon as possible or at least within 24 hours before making a claim
If you are travelling for a long period of time or visiting a number of different countries try to consider a backpacker policy
May all of your travels be real special, enjoy, and have many more! Enjoy!